1. The January “Old Moon” Reveals:
They are incredibly compassionate and can see the point of view of others. That’s why everyone finds you loving and nice. People would like to have confidence in themselves and be able to find unique solutions to difficult problems.
2. The February “Storm Moon” Reveals:
They do everything to make the lives of others happy. They strive to be fair to all and (although sometimes difficult) treat everyone with the kindness you desire. Even if you are disappointed, quickly forgive the people who have wronged you!
3. The March “Sugar Moon” Reveals:
You have a very sweet soul. They like to take care of their loved ones and try to be friendly in their daily lives. Remember, it’s important to show love so you do not burn the attention of others.
4. The April “Growing Moon” Reveals:
You are a free thinker who values independence while paying attention to others. You are an emotional person, but you are not hypersensitive. Your mind and your heart are perfectly balanced!
5. The May “Flower Moon” Reveals:
They are naturally open-minded and not judgmental. You accept and listen to others without being a breeze. You listen to your heart and your brain, which balances your emotions and your intelligence!
6. The June “Honey Moon” reveals:
They always try to do their best and put everything in situations and do not try by the easy way. You have a realistic view and you are proud of it!
7. The July “Mead Moon” Reveals:
They strive to get along with others and hate arguing and fighting. Although you consider the feelings of others, do not be afraid to commit yourself to what you believe. You feel good about yourself and are proud of it.
8. The August “Lightning Moon” Reveals:
You have nothing to prove, so you do not see the reason in the arguments. They may disagree with others, but like to do it on good terms. They are perfect for bringing together people for whom others notice and love you!
9. The September “Fruit Moon” Reveals:
They try to get along with everyone and are naturally friendly. They do not try to force their own way, but they are not afraid to defend themselves.
10. The October “Travel Moon” Reveals:
You have a burning heart, but a calm mind. You treat others as you want to be treated. They prefer actions to words and are good at managing anger when it comes.
11. The November “Frost Moon” Reveals:
You avoid the arguments, but you have the backbone to work for what you believe in! They enjoy your relationships with people and do anything to help your friends and family!
12. The December “Winter Moon” Reveals:
They like to look for the middle ground and look for a productive way to solve problems. You do not like to argue, but you do not want to change your mind when you know you’re right.
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