How well can you understand relationships?
Don’t worry not a serious question but just a fun riddle here.
The actual question should be how well can you distinguish between relationship names?
Just go through the riddle below and find out.
Jerry is my uncle’s sister’s granddaughter’s son.
What is the closest possible relationship I can have to Jerry?
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Scroll down for the answer.
Answer: Jerry is your grandson.
Let us explain how:
Your Uncle’s sister can be your mother or can be your aunt. But in the question, you have mentioned that we have to look for the closet relation thus, it will definitely be your mother.
Now, your mother’s granddaughter can either be your daughter or your niece. Again, daughter is the closer relation.
Advancing forward, your daughter’s son is without a doubt your grandson.
Two people are born at the same moment, but they don’t have the same birthdays. How could this be?
This question might sound confusing, but all you need to do is try to think outside the box. To help you out, we’ll give you a hint: Time!
Scroll down for the answer.
Let’s help you out! Two people can only be born at the same moment and have different birthdays because of different time zones!
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