You lose them when you stop paying attention. To his feelings to changes of behavior. To the sadness in his eyes. The things she subtly asked you to do, but you forgot about them all.
You lose it when you make him feel that his presence in your life is not important. That you’re fine without her, that you do not need her in your life as she needs you. If you make her want to spend time with her, it’s a commitment and not something that will improve your day.
You lose it when you feel it as if it were with another woman.
You lose them if you do not let them in. If you keep it at arm’s length and refuse to reveal to it your deepest secrets. If you make him feel that you do not trust him enough, the way you trust your friends, what’s really going on in your life and what’s really important.
You lose it when you deliberately ignore her questions, her updates, her life and the things that everyone is proud of, the things she works so hard for and the things she tries to do. You lose them when you forget to celebrate your important milestones and stay in important moments of your life.
You lose it when you stop communicating. When you stop saying things, you have to hear them. When you stop showing your appreciation or expressing your love for her. If you do not constantly look for her or ask her day.
You lose it when you are recognized for your absence because you do not show up, are not there and always give priority to something else. You lose them if you choose them. You lose it when you feel that it is tired of it and your actions, but you do not try to cure it, you do not say a word, you do not try to keep it.
You lose it when you feel like a fool who chooses you from all the others. You lose it when you feel she made the wrong decision – she should not have chosen you.
The post This Is How You Lose Her When She Wanted To Be Yours. appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.