Cry when you need to. There’s so much to cry about; a healing cry once in a while can do wonders for the soul . Then wash your face, take a deep breath, and get on with life.
Smile even though your heart is aching. It’s quite hard but we have to learned doing it because we want to be happy.
A Smile Sometimes disable a negative remark or act Smile and everyone around you will want to know what you’re smiling about.
I’m trying to get back where I can smile again ! It has been a long hard road to travel !! I’m here only with GOD’S LOVE , and MERCY !!!
This journey called life is full on many surprises which needs a strong heart with strong shock absorber to laugh in crying moments not very easy.
I always stay strong and smile a million times even if i’m hurting on the inside.
Thank God for giving me gift of life and ability to be loving and caring to others and myself and to smile from within.
Be strong show your smile even if you are in hurt. Indeed no matter what life throws at you keep pressing on. Let’s keep stronger everyday because God is always on our side, Ameen. I always put myself happy and contented for what God share to me.
Life has a way of showing you every thing that can go wrong … but you just have to keep on keeping on .. everything will get better in time no matter what you are dealing with .. at the very worst , we are living,alive, thankful to god … it will be ok ! No matter what keep praying for all we are all on different boats.
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