1. I will always need my son, no matter what age I am. My son has made me laugh, made me proud, made me cry, seen me cry, hugged me tight, seen me fail, cheered me up, kept me on my toes, and at times driven me crazy, But my son is a promise that I will have a friend forever!
2. My son is one of the best gifts that God could bless me with. I love you, son, with all my heart. God bless you. I love you and miss you.
3. You are not just a son to me. You’re my life, my soul, my heart and most of all, the reason for my existence.
4. You are my sonshine.
5. I am proud of you… not just because you are my son, but because you are the man that I could never be. I love you.
6. I want you to remember that I will always be here for you when you need me, my dear child.
7. Son, a lot of people will come and go in your life as you grow older. But no matter what, I’ll be the one who’ll always hold your hand and always have you in my heart, till the end of time.
8. You are my hope, my salvation into you I will promise to pour all that I have here in my heart.
9. There has never been, nor will there ever be, anything quite so special as the love between a mother and her son.
10. Until you have a son of you own, you will never know what that means. You will never know the joy beyond joy, the love beyond feeling that resonates in the heart of a father as he looks upon his son. Kent Nerburn
11. You are loved for the boy you are, the man you will become, and the precious son you will always be.
12. He doesn’t know you’re watching him, but in this special, reflective moment, you realize he’s growing up. I mean, really growing up. Robert Lewis
13. The years will rush by, and one day you will be watching your son as a man, and feeling incredibly proud that he is caring, safe, making a contribution, and hopefully going far beyond you in the scope of his life. Steve Biddulph
14. I can predict your future, it’s way too easy. You’ll be a handsome man, very fine and classy. You will soar new heights, not just because you are my son. But because from your heart, you are a lovely person. Your life will be perfect, just as it is now… you have no idea, that I love you and how.
15. You don’t raise heroes, you raise sons. And if you treat them like sons, they’ll turn out to be heroes, even if it’s just in your own eyes. Wally Schirra
16. Whenever life puts you in a situation you don’t want to face, just close your eyes and go back to the moment when your mom held you in her arms and said, ‘Don’t worry my child, everything will be alright’.
17. From the moment they placed you in my arms, you snuggled right into my heart.
18. Parents always think that they’ll change their children’s lives in the best way they can. But little do they realize, that the love of a child will eventually change and shape their lives in a way that they can never imagine. That’s exactly what happened to us, we love you.
19. You’ve been a blessing from the start, I love you, son, with all my heart.
20. I want to raise you the best that I can because I want you to grow up to be the best you can.
21. Don’t wait to make your son a great man – make him a great boy.
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