Please keep them safe


1. Dear God, please place a shield of protection around my family & friends as they rest this evening. Remove all worries and place peace in their hearts. Keep them safe from harm and bless their new day when they wake up. Amen

2. God always listens to your prayer… Only we have to be patient for the answer.

3. Don’t forget to pray today, because God didn’t forget to wake you up this morning.

4. God is always with you… You just need to pay attention to.

5. You may feel lost and alone, but God knows exactly where you are, and He has a good plan for your life.

6. God makes everything happen for a reason.

7. Live your life for God and God will lead your life to a world full of love and true happiness.

8. Dear God, if one day I lose my hope and purpose, give me confidence that your destiny is better than anything I ever dreamed of.

9. If you walk with God, you will always reach your destination.

10. Anxiety happens when we think we have to figure everything out. Turn to God, He has a plan.

11. What’s impossible when God’s on your side… Nothing is impossible.

12. God will not give you a burden that you can’t handle. So if you are in mess which is impossible to resolve, think it as compliment. God thinks You can do it. Believe in God.

13. Trusting God is wisdom, knowing God is peace, loving God is strength, faith in God is courage.

14. What God says about me is more important than what people say.

15. Remember that time spent with God is never wasted. Always find time to talk to God wherever you go.

16. God is good. God is real. He is the only light in this world and God has no fear.

17. God wouldn’t put you in difficult situations if he didn’t believe you couldn’t get through them.

18. God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.

19. Every morning I spend fifteen minutes filling my mind full of God; and so there’s no room left for worry thoughts.

20. You should be courageous, not because of who you are and what you’ve done, but because of who God is and what He has done.

21. Whatever I may know about God, I won’t really know God personally until I spend time with Him and depend on Him.

The post Please keep them safe appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.


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