Pick One Crystal To Discover Your Future. Which One Will You Choose?


Do you believe in the power of crystals?

Take a look at these 4 and pick your favorite. Some will like the shape of one of the crystals, while others will choose theirs by the color.

No matter what you found attractive, identify your crystal and take a look at how your choice influences your future.

1. Citrine Crystal

Once you have selected the Citrine crystal, it reminds you that you have to create your own reality. Do not doubt your abilities and your dreams. Always remember that you are an intelligent, passionate and courageous person who can do anything if you wish. Just visualize your goals in your mind and go for it.

Sometimes it’s just impossible to imagine all the way, and that’s fine. Just take the first step and follow the road with a positive attitude. The rest of the way will be done alone.

2. Jade Crystal

Whenever you think about your past, you feel sad. If you feel bad, it’s because you spend a lot of time analyzing the future. It can be mentally exhausting, so you have to let it go, because the past and the future are just mental projections of what was or could never be. The reality that counts is here and now and you should make the most of it.

The jade crystal reminds you that you can not do anything to change the past, but that you can live in the present and move towards the future. Once you have chosen this crystal, it reminds you that you must relax and thank the past for the foundations. The lessons you learned were valuable, but now is the time to continue.

3. Rose Quartz Crystal

People who choose Rose Quartz know that desire and dedication to success are crucial if you want to succeed. Put your whole being in everything you do, but stay patient and follow the flow of life. They tend to worry about unimportant things that can disrupt the natural flow of things.

Remember – life has its own schedule. So, if you want to be happy, you have to go with the river. Do this and you will feel much better after a while.

4. Labradorite Crystal

As you probably know, the universe is balanced by providing each action with a kind of consequence. Act with love, compassion, wealth and happiness and you can expect the same thing.

The Labradorite crystal is a souvenir that you must give and receive at the same time. You have given all your life, but you have obviously forgotten how to receive. Allow yourself to receive what you give and you will be a happier person.



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