Most people will fail this test – but can you find all the 8’s in the picture?


I found this riddle online earlier today. It’s easy, but try your best to get the right answer.

This picture is filled with sixes, as well as some hidden 8’s. Can you figure out how many 8’s are in the picture? Oh, and you only have 10 seconds — quite the challenge!

I sent this challenge to my colleagues and only 3 out of 10 had the correct number of 8s on the first try!

Ok, you have 10 seconds – how many 8’s can you find?!

Now let’s find out if you’re right!






According to the site Brightside, not even half of the people that try can get the correct answer — this matched the result I got from my colleagues!

The correct answer is 8, there are eight 8’s in the picture! 7 of them are between the sixes. And you have to count the big yellow 8 in the question!

Did you get it right?

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