Love is not about finding the right person


“Relationships last not because they were destined to last. Relationships last long because two people made a choice to keep it, fight for it and work for it.”

8 Rules For A Long Lasting Relationship

It’s all very easy and beautiful at the beginning of all relationships. The persons involved beginning to discover each other, share their ideas and views while the relationship grows. However, the honeymoon phase of a relationship only lasts for a few months, the real challenge begins after. Starting a relationship is one thing but keep going as good and being just as happy throughout the whole relationship is another. Of course, not every day will be true heaven for us, but you can’t expect thrilling stuff to happen so often.

Building a relationship requires some work, but worth it – after all, wouldn’t you like to see your relationship grow, buy a home and start a family? Sharing life with your partner is great, but it isn’t without its challenges.

Here are 8 simple rules that will make your relationship last:

Share Your Dreams

Outside of work, cleaning the house, paying bills and taking care of children, it can be easy to forget the original reasons for being together. Dr. Jane Greer, a New York-based family therapist, says that successful couples think about them as a team. They share the same vision of their life together, and constantly say things like, “We want to buy a house” or “We want to buy a car soon. ” Don’t be scared to tell your partner that you want them present in your future. After all, if they don’t feel the same then they are not the one for you.

The best time to take this full awareness is at the beginning of a relationship. It gives you a solid foundation to build a life with your partner and makes you both work toward the same dream.

His Majesty – Compromise

It is not uncommon for partners to have different opinions. This is obvious when you make a decision about your life together – you might agree on some stuff but disagree on another. If you do disagree, you should not allow it to become a big issue. Instead, be empathetic about your partner’s view of something and do not get defensive when you hear their thoughts. Ask questions if you need clarification on something and be ready for a compromise.

Compromise is very important in relationships, no matter how small or big it is. Make sure you compromise on any kind of decision making. For example, like where to go eat tonight or which movie to watch, you can take turns and do things your way now and his way later. In this way, you will be satisfied and hopefully have a great night out. When it comes to the big stuff, make sure you both remain calm, thoughtful and rational and find a way to compromise.

Communication Is Key

Communication is the key to a healthy relationship. It’s involved in literally everything that happens in your life together. Effective communication is important for understanding each other as well. Having open and honest communication with your partner means that you two are very comfortable with each other and that you truly care for one another. Ask your partner how their day went or how they feel. Keeping silent will only open a number of problems that can ruin your relationship eventually.

Good communication is to tell your partner anything, no matter if it’s good or bad. Finding a good way to discuss issues without hurting each other’s feelings is also very important. Buying something new for the house, planning a holiday or just regular weekend plans – make sure you discuss all of that with your partner so that they feel included. Just be honest and open to each other, whether you like it or not, and you maintain the relationship.

Stay Intimate

Just because you two have been together for a while now, that doesn’t mean that you should just move physical intimacy of your priority list. Physical intimacy is an absolutely essential thing for a relationship to work – it creates a strong emotional bond and strengthens your connection. The physical act of love can bring you together with if you drift apart and rekindle the fire that was slowly burning out. It’s a great way to relax as well.

Nowadays, we are much more stressed than before because of work, financial problems or any other minor or major roadblock. All these problems can keep a close physical connection hard. Fortunately, hitting the sack can help you forget everything, at least for a while and get closer to your partner.

Apologize When Needed

No holding grudges and no silent treatment – none of those things will ever help your relationship. Nobody is perfect – we all make mistakes from time to time. The problem of mistakes is to admit them and recognize their consequences. If you made a mistake, apologize to your partner. Insisting that you did nothing wrong is worse than the mistake itself.

Do not just mumble “I’m sorry” – if you apologize, look them their eyes and mean it. Swallow your pride and say that you are really sorry – it will do wonders for your relationship. Learn to accept your partner’s apology and stop being so stubborn. This type of behavior leads down a path you don’t want to walk. If you love and care for someone, make sure it is a sincere gesture.

Anticipate Change

Science has shown that people change every 7-8 years. People change in all kinds of ways. Something you liked today, you may not like tomorrow. It can be something small or big, but you should notice a difference in your partner’s body or mind. Personal change is natural, but we’re rarely ready for it. This is why it’s important for your partner to know what you want. If you do not know how to communicate, you will experience an unpleasant surprise.

As we said, communication is key. It will allow you to anticipate and understand the change before it surprises you.

Focus on The Positives

Yes, we know that sometimes it’s hard to focus on the positive side of your partner, but if you really want to get things done, you should emphasize the positive. It’s easy when everything is fine, but extremely difficult when things go wrong.

However, you should still try to focus on and appreciate the positives of your partner if you want to maintain the relationship. Remind them why you fell in love with them, talk about their good qualities and tell them what you most like about them. Just appreciate the effort they’re making for your relationship to work, and everything will be fine.

Never Give Up!

If you want your relationship to be sustainable, you must be resilient. There are challenges around every corner, but the decision to stay together in difficult times will save your relationship. Apply all the above tips and try to keep working every day on your relationship. Take time for your partner and always tell them how much you appreciate them.

There is no perfect relationship. There are obstacles along the way, but you should never give up. Work with your partner to overcome the challenges and it will be worth your while.

Follow these 8 tips to keep your relationship going forever. Things might not be easy at times, but with the help of these tips, you can overcome anything.

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