I Will Love My Kids Forever And Always


I will love my kids forever and always, for as long as I live, no matter what.

There is no word can express my feelings for my children. It is not only love bonded by blood, but also built and contributed gradually through many years of companion.

That love always exists and lasts forever with time. Day by day, when the children are growing up, there will be more merries and more troubles.

Children themselves also changes so much. They are much bigger, from a little boy or girl need their mother to hug and carry, they have walked by themselves, to become a mature person. I, their mother, still love them as always.

Your children’s characters are even changed faster. They are more and more independent, having more concerns about external environment. Their thinking become more mature. And I still love them though.

However they change, or whatever happens, I will always love my children forever.


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