The real Meaning of life: No one is perpect if you Pray Always .God is Always there to Us. Amen
Still you have many changes to come and you are fit for that. (with the Help of God)
Look back on life. As i look back on my life,I realize that every time I thought I was being rejected from something good.I was actually being redirected to some thing better.A person who feels appreciated will do more than what is expected.
I am very thankful to GOD, trials and painin my life so hard to struggle but i never give up because GOD is there to uplift me even in the worst time of my life, ups and downs are part of life so never give up… Thank You Lord❤️🙏🏼
I really hope the bad times don’t outweigh the good times. Reflect, but move forward. Keep your blessings close to your heart. ❤️
Never feel bad about saying no to the wrong things. Habits, people, activities. They can come in many forms. Seek your strength from the Almighty. He will pave the way for you to say yes to the right things. He will send profound blessings into your life. Watch it unfold!
Every effort has its own return back in our life as it depends upon our real intension behind certain actions. So, be sincere with one’s approach in every action because what goes around comes around.
I pray God calms my heart. I’m holding grudges.. people I trusted betrayed me and it’s so hard to just let it go.. And in the process I’m hurting other people.. Almighty. Calm our anxious hearts as we face life’s trials. Times are tough. There are things happening which i don’t understand. Anxiety threatens to darken our path. We ask You for the strength to carry on. Grant us peace amid the troubles and keep our hearts close to You! Ameen
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