We all have our fears. It’s inevitable and undeniable.
Lucky for those who can proudly say that they fear nothing, but most of us would definitely agree that there are things that do scare us the most.
This is just part of who we are and there are a lot of weird things that psych us differently.
However, there are some phobias that many people would agree with. Like creepy crawlies – animals that crawl in dainty spaces we never expected. Snakes are at the top of this list – many people would surely freak out by the sight of it. But also, spiders, mostly big ginormous spiders are one thing to be really terrified into.
Just as what happened to the Australian woman who found a huge huntsman spider inside her shower! You can imagine the horror!
Spiders come in different sizes. Some are small like that in the children’s song, while some are just massive. These massive spiders can be found in not all places but it obviously is abundant in some continents – take Australia for example.
Australia is known to be rich in wildlife and home to some of the most dangerous animals in the world. It’s and this incident would not be much of a surprise. But if you are someone who gets scared of spiders then it sure is a horror for you.
The horrified woman was Cathy Cox from Perth, who found the huge huntsman spider in her bathroom – though the picture was kinda zoomed in, it was actually just quite a decent size for a spider of this kind. But Cathy is not a fan of it and initially was scared after seeing the spider in there.
Though huntsman spiders are not necessarily threatening, as these spiders tend to run away from a human than to crawl closer, and it is a spider species which is very common in Australia, seeing one up close and in such a personal space would really freak someone out.
Scared of her creepy-crawly companion, Cathy posted a picture of the spider on an Australian spider identification page to ask for advice (And wow – they really have a group to identify spiders? Australia really is something cool!)
She posted, ‘I have what I believe to be a beautiful huntsman in my shower. She is out of harm’s way but should I relocate her? FYI heart racing at the thought of the latter.’
In her post, one member responded by suggesting to move the spider into something more “cozy.” Moreover, the user added, “I cannot imagine more horrifying things than her getting a little steamy, losing her footing, and dropping onto your shoulder on the shower.”
Well, that’s really horrifying!
While another user responded with a joke comparing the size of the spider to that of a basketball and saying that it has claimed her shower!
Another user responded, ‘Omg why does it look like it could turn on the shower itself.’ A bit of exaggeration there but the spider is indeed massive you could probably think it can do it himself!
Though not everyone was joking in and freaked out about it, one user requested Cathy to put a tape measure around the spider’s belly to measure it for further identification, to which Cathy comically replied “Sure no problem. I’d rather stick pins in my eyes”
We would probably respond like Cathy, no way we will get close to the spider no matter how cute it may be.
Though huntsman spiders are typically not considered as hazardous, it is still best advised by Experts to not try to handle one directly when you encounter them. Though they might not attack humans, but like everyone else, when they feel threatened or in danger, they retaliate and you might end up with a bite.
But don’t fret, the pain might not even be from the venom but from its large fang.
How would you feel when you see something like this in your shower? Would you even dare shower again?
Let us know in the comments down below.
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