Funny thing about getting older


“Funny about getting older, your eyesight may weaken yet you can see through people much better.”

Be careful who you trust and who you tell your problems to. Remember, not everyone that smiles at you is your friend.

5 Ways To Spot A Fake Nice Person In Your Life

Friendships are probably the most important relationships in our lives, especially if we have good solid friends. But sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between a nice and a fake person.

Use this guide to sift through who are the truly nice people and remove yourself from the fake ones.

1. Genuinely nice people will support all your actions.

A nice person will support and encourage in any capacity. It can be a hobby or a career change, but an authentic, real friend cares and will be on the journey with you.

2. Love your quirky personality.

We all have elements of our personality that are a little quirky, a real friend will stand by you despite your quirks.

3. Eternal forgiveness.

As well as all make mistakes, a nice person will always forgive, and they will do this because they value the friendship more than the mistake you made.

4. Always in touch.

Your true friends always stay in touch with you because they are interested in you and your life. You might notice that fake people will only contact you when they need you.

5. They make time for you.

Your real friends will always make time for you, if it’s a Saturday morning coffee or a phone call after work, they want to spend time with you and they will.

It’s also important to be able to recognize the signs of a fake friend, and not just what a real friend is.

Below are some things to look out for if you suspect a fake friend.

1. Fake people are passive-aggressive.

Fake friends are really good at speaking in a passive-aggressive way. They always find a way to insult you with a compliment. This will slowly reduce your self-confidence and often you won’t realize it’s even happening.

2. Fake people constantly let you down.

Fake friends will often initiate plans and never follow through. They agree to plan an event with you, but leave it to you to do everything. They will often have the perfect excuse as to why they couldn’t make it so that they don’t want to feel guilty about it.

3. Fake people expect you to drop everything.

A fake friend expects you to always put them first. They think that your life revolves around them and their situation is getting worse and worse. Once again, it’s all about competition.

4. Fake people gossip a lot.

This should be a big red flag for you when your “friend” gossips about others. When they say things about others, what do you think they are saying about you? We all need to vent but when they are ripping apart it goes to show they aren’t truly nice people.

5. Fake people will always make themselves seem more important.

Even if you get a new job or a promotion at work, your fake friend will always outdo you. They will always outdo you and your news won’t be good news, their news will always be better. To them, it’s a competition.

One less fake person is better than a bunch of unreliable people in your life. Remember these points the next time a friend lets you down, they could just be having a bad time or they are a fake and it is better to cut them out of your life.

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