This quiz will test your brain’s ability to process visual information quickly and accurately. If you have a job that relies on quick visual processing or is thinking about choosing or changing your career, you might want to take the test and see what it says about your visual tasks solving skills.
1. How many animals do you see?
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How many animals do you see?
2. Which face is the odd one out?
{“ajaxEndpoint”:””,”behaviours”:{“ajax”:true,”scrollUp”:true,”async”:false},”effects”:{“transition”:”fade”,”duration”:”500″},”i18n”:{“Previous”:”Previous”,”Next”:”Next”,”of”:”of”,”Something went wrong! Please try again.”:”Something went wrong! Please try again.”}}
Which face is the odd one out?
3. Do you see that the picture is moving when you blink?
{“ajaxEndpoint”:””,”behaviours”:{“ajax”:true,”scrollUp”:true,”async”:false},”effects”:{“transition”:”fade”,”duration”:”500″},”i18n”:{“Previous”:”Previous”,”Next”:”Next”,”of”:”of”,”Something went wrong! Please try again.”:”Something went wrong! Please try again.”}}
Do you see that the picture is moving when you blink?
4. How many circles are in the picture?
{“ajaxEndpoint”:””,”behaviours”:{“ajax”:true,”scrollUp”:true,”async”:false},”effects”:{“transition”:”fade”,”duration”:”500″},”i18n”:{“Previous”:”Previous”,”Next”:”Next”,”of”:”of”,”Something went wrong! Please try again.”:”Something went wrong! Please try again.”}}
How many circles are in the picture?
5. How many cubes are in the picture?
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How many cubes are in the picture?
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