Here are 5 things unhealthy people may unconsciously do that are detrimental to their emotional health and well-being:
1. They criticize themselves and others often
Sometimes, the unhealthy people are the perfectionists, those with an inner critic they cannot escape. It’s like constantly living with an abuser in their mind. Many people who judge themselves and others too harshly have in fact a low self-esteem.
2. They use addictions to escape reality
Many of us sometimes resort to food, gambling, drugs, sex, alcohol, cigarettes to numb our feelings, to make the pain go away. But forgetting about an issue for a short while will not solve the underlying problem. This is how real addictions develop and unhealthy people will usually form such habits and let things get out of hand.
This is because they are not aware there is a problem in the first place, an issue that demands to be addressed and dealt with. So they will choose to cope with it any way they can, often without taking responsibility for their actions.
3. They make excuses
Unhealthy people prefer to make excuses than to confront what’s troubling them. They can tell themselves ‘I don’t have time’ or ‘I’m too tired’, but they are merely avoiding change. They know it takes real effort to make a difference in their lives but they prefer to choose the comfort zone because of x or y reason.
4. They complain a lot
Everything bad always seems to happen to them. Playing the victim is yet another very unhealthy mechanism that exempts them from real action and responsibility. Because things always happen to them so the implication is they have zero control. Even when objectively things are going well for them, they will find that little thing that is out of place and annoys them. This goes hand in hand with the negative bias.
5. They compare themselves to others
That’s one of the most unhealthy thing we can do. Again, it shows a lack of self-confidence. This could easily spiral into negative thoughts that will only hinder personal progress.
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