Woman Helps Homeless Widower, Stunned When She Meets Him Again 14 Years Later

Woman Helps Homeless Widower, Stunned When She Meets Him Again 14 Years Later

A paramedic and a homeless man met years ago and formed a friendship that would persist through addiction, homelessness and time.

Not many people can say their friendship began over trash. And even fewer can gloat that their bond helped them through homelessness and a.d.d.i.c.t.i..o.n.

But that’s exactly what happened after Jeanah Nomelli met William Levens more than 10 years ago at a gas station in Ceres.

Woman Helps A Homeless Man

When Jeanah Nomelli first met Will Levens, he was digging in the dumpster. When Jeanah asked him why he was on the streets, Will shared his heartbreaking story with her.

“He shared that his wife died unexpectedly and in the wake of her death, he tried heroin- ONE TIME and became a.d.d.i.c.t.e.d,” Jeanah said. “He lost his home and job as a result of his a.d.d.i.c.t.i.o.n.”

From there, Will and Jeanah struck up a friendship. The spoke often, sharing stories and advice.

Jeanah really wanted to see Will improve his situation.

And when this compassionate woman helps the homeless man by giving him a pair of boots and a jacket, along with $7 to get his ID, she was just showing some kindness. But her friendship and support ended up changing everything for Will!“Promise me that if I gave him the $7 he wouldn’t use it on drugs,” Nomelli said.

After Nomelli handed Levans the money, he disappeared. With no word from her friend, she thought the worst had happened.

“I really did think that he may have used it to get d.r.u.g.s,” she told FOX40.

More than 10 years passed and Nomelli would find herself at another gas station, this time in Modesto in October, with a familiar stranger waiting for her by the bathroom.

“My first instinct was why is this guy standing here staring at me?” Nomelli said.

“I said, ‘You remember me?’ And I was just bawling, bawling my eyes out at the time because I found my sister again,” Levens said.

The two friends found each other once again, and it turns out, Levens did keep his promise.

“I went and got my ID just like I told her I would,” Levens told FOX40. “I was able to start work because without an ID you can’t work.”

He’s now off the streets and is even helping other people with their recovery.

“Will has always had an inner light and it’s always shined,” Nomelli said.

Jeanah Nomelli shared Will’s inspirational overcomer story because she wanted to remind everyone of the power of kindness.

Levens told FOX40 he is currently saving as much money as he can so that one day he can start a religious-based program that can help more people.

Just because an act of kindness is small doesn’t mean it’s insignificant. It’s a love that has been put to action, to save each other, as well as others.

Whether a store clerk helps a customer, a stranger helps a person they meet, or a woman helps a homeless man. No matter how big or small, we should never underestimate the power of kindness!

Source:godupdates.com, fox40.com

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