What Will Happen to Your Body if You Start Eating 3 Dates Every Day for a Week

What Will Happen to Your Body if You Start Eating 3 Dates Every Day for a Week

Even though dates aren’t considered to be a superfood, they’re very close to it. They offer so many health benefits that it’s almost a necessity for us to eat them! And the fact that they’re sweet and taste very good makes them that much better! All it takes is a week of eating this delicious fruit and your body will thank you.

We loves everything that is delicious, nutritious, and good for you and your health! That’s why we want to share this information with you and we hope that you’ll try to include dates in your diet.

1. Your bone health will improve.

Dates contain several minerals, including phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium. All of these have been studied for their potential to prevent bone-related conditions like osteoporosis

2. Your digestive health will improve.

As mentioned before, dates are high on fiber and our digestive system requires fiber to operate properly.

Fiber intake prevents constipation and promotes regular bowel movements. A study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, showed that people who consume dates regularly have a much better working digestive system than those who don’t.

3. They help you battle stress and depression.

Dates contain Vitamin B6, which has been shown to help the body create serotonin and norepinephrine, which improve your brain health. Serotonin regulates your mood, while norepinephrine battles stress. Furthermore, this study shows that low levels of B6 are linked to depression.

The more Vitamin B6 we intake, the better we will feel not only physically, but mentally.

4. They give you a significant energy boost.

Dates contain the natural sugars, glucose, fructose and sucrose that will give you a quick burst of energy when you need it. And unlike energy bars or drinks, dates contain other healthy components like fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamins and antioxidants that will keep those levels up, and not send you quickly crashing down.

5. You could be smarter

Dates contain Vitamin B6 that has been shown to improve performance of brain by helping the body make serotonin and norepinephrine. Serotonin in turn regulates mood and norepinephrine helps your body cope with stress. Conversely, research has shown that low levels of Vitamin B6 is linked to depression.So, when your brain is clear from stress, and in a good mood, then it is sharp and ready to learn and retain information.

6. Improve your cardiovascular system

Sometimes all it takes is several dates in a row over a long period of time to cure a broken heart. The potassium contained in this seemingly magical little fruit has been found lowering LDL (bad cholesterol) that causes blockages in the arteries that lead to stroke and even heart attack. A study of older women found that high potassium intake is associated with a lower risk of stroke and ischemic stroke and mortality.

7. They aid weight loss.

Dates can also help with weight loss. Yes, they have fiber, but this fiber makes you feel full for a long time and it prevents spikes in blood glucose.

Furthermore, dates contain antioxidants like anthocyanins, phenolics, and carotenoids. They rid our body of toxins, boost digestion, and increase metabolism, which leads to weight loss.

8. They reduce the risk of colon c.a.n.c.e.r.

Dates protect our digestive system and gut from harmful bacteria thus reducing the risk of it spreading to the colon. A study, conducted by the Department of Food and Nutritional Sciences, found that people who consume dates regularly increase the growth of the good kind of bacteria that protects us from the growth of c.a.n.c.e.r cells in the colon.

Source: brightside.me, see.news, tribune.com.pk, healthline.com

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