Use this miracle herb instead of pills to get rid of 9 different eye problems including cataracts

Use parsley to get rid of 9 different eye problems including cataracts

As a well-known Mediterranean herb, Parsley has been used as a spice for a long time. However, many people still don’t know its amazing health benefits. Parsley is rich in:

– Vitamin A
– Vitamin K
– Vitamin C
– Vitamin E
– Vitamin B6
– Vitamin B12
– Calcium
– Iron
– Magnesium
– Manganese
– Potassium
– Zinc

The vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which are found in parsley can boost your immune system. The high vitamin A content can protect your eyes and keep them moist. When they’re combined with other antioxidants, vitamin A can reduce the risk of macular degeneration. That’s the reason why you are advisable to combine parsley with beta-carotene-rich foods such as spinach and carrots.
Besides, Parsley contains lutein and zeaxanthin, carotenoids which can reduce the risk of cataract and biological processes that are known to damage the retina.

In addition, Parsley has powerful diuretic properties which can help you in cases of kidney and gallbladder stones as well as urinary tract infections. Its anti-inflammatory properties can treat inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, toothaches, bruises as well as insect bites.

The volatile oil compounds in parsley such as myristicin can inhibit tumor formation while protecting against oxidative cell damage. Parsley can improve your heart health, keep your bones strong and control your blood sugar levels.

Juicing with parsley

Fresh parsley is always a better option than the dry form of the herb which should have a deep green color. Always try to buy the organic type which should contain no pesticides. Keep parsley in a bag in your kitchen so you will always have it available for cooking or juicing.

Consume these delicious parsley juices to improve the health of your eyes and treat eye conditions! Furthermore. you can prepare them at your own home.


Cataracts are age-related, because the protein in the eye clumps and covers the lens. Conjunctivitis is a bacterial infection of the eye which causes redness and irritation. Both conditions can be relieved with a juice made of parsley, blueberries, apples, endive, spinach and celery.

Best’s disease

It’s a genetic condition which affects the back of the eye when you’re reading or watching TV. You can treat it by drinking a juice made of parsley, celery, apples, garlic, leeks, beets, ginger, apples, carrots, spinach, lemon, raspberries, cabbage, grapes and wheat grass.

Diabetic retinopathy

This condition is a complication of diabetes which causes progressive damage to the retina. It can be treated with a juice made of parsley, Jerusalem artichokes, asparagus, spinach, ginger, beets, celery, raspberries, wheat grass, carrots, pumpkin, leeks, garlic and cabbage.

Macular degeneration

It’s a condition when the macula deteriorates, resulting in blurred vision. It can be treated and prevented with a juice made of parsley, raspberries, apples, broccoli, bell peppers and leafy greens.


Glaucoma damages the optic nerve and progresses over time. Consume a juice from parsley, cucumber, carrots, radishes, celery, raspberries, turnip, cabbage, beets, apples and plums to treat it properly.

Lattice degeneration

Lattice degeneration is a thinning of the peripheral retina that affects your peripheral vision. Drink a juice made of parsley, carrots, apples, spinach, leeks, ginger, beets, cabbage, grapes, celery, lemon, raspberries and wheat grass.


Floaters are retinal pieces which float and cause small clouds or dark spots in your field of vision. You can treat them with a juice made of parsley, celery, parsnip, beets, garlic, apples, raspberries and carrots.

Retinitis Pigmentosis

These are a group of inherited diseases that cause a gradual decline in vision. Prepare a juice made of parsley, leeks, carrots, beets, cabbage, garlic, ginger, grapes, lemon, raspberries, celery, wheat grass, apples and spinach in order to treat them.

Optic nerve problems

These problems cause damage to the optic nerve and the protective sheath surrounding it. To prevent them, drink a juice made of parsley, beets, ginger, endive, carrots, berries, cabbage and wheat grass.

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