Touch The End Of Your Toes To Know If You Have A Heart Problem Or Not

Touch The End Of Your Toes To Know If You Have A Heart Problem Or Not

3D render of a medical male figure with heart highlighted

If you have ever wondered whether or not your heart is healthy, you can use this simple method, as demonstrated in this article, to find out the condition of your heart. In simple words, if you are flexible enough to bend over and touch your toes, you can be sure that you have a healthy heart.

The “Touch Your Toes” Test

You are right in believing that such a test can help determine a person’s flexibility, but it can also determine the flexibility of blood vessels. In this way, it can predict whether or not you will have heart disease.

This is because healthy, elastic blood vessels help in the regulation of blood pressure. However, as we age, these blood vessels lose their elasticity and start to put pressure on the heart, putting us at risk of cardiovascular problems.

To do this test correctly, follow the steps given below.

  • Place a yoga mat on the floor and sit with your back to the wall.
  • Bending at the waist, slowly push your arms forward.
  • Push your arms as far as possible without stretching them too far.

If you can reach your foot or even the tip of your calves, it means you have good flexibility and your core is in good shape. Surprisingly, the results of this test were quite accurate in the case of middle-aged and older people, according to the study.

In addition to the above-mentioned test, we advise you to watch out for the following signs:

1. Nausea, vomiting, heartburn

This, as well as stomach pain, can be signs of heart disease, particularly in women.

2. Pain in the left arm

Pain that spreads from the chest to the left side of the body, or is restricted to the left arm.

3. Throat or jaw pain

Again, this can be an indication of a variety of things, but if the pain is spreading from your chest to your jaw, you should see a doctor.

4. Dizziness

This can be due to a variety of factors, but if you also have shortness of breath and chest discomfort, you should see a doctor very once.

5. Swelling in the legs, feet and ankles

This can be caused to a number of factors, including water retention, but it can also indicate that your heart is unable to pump your blood properly, causing blood to back up into your legs.

If you are aware of these warning signs and live a healthy lifestyle that includes proper diet and exercise, you can be confident that your heart will remain strong and healthy for a long time to come.

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