Toddler Waited All Week To Show His Heroes His New Garbage Truck; He Was Adorably Overwhelmed

You know that feeling when you finally meet someone you idolize? That feeling came pretty early in life for 2-year-old Quincy Kroner, whose local heroes in Cincinnati are his neighborhood garbagemen, Mark Davis and Eddie Washington.

Photo credit: Ollie Krosner

The 2-year-old is a big fan of vehicles, especially trucks, and he loves watching the garbagemen and their big truck outside his window — he told his parents the men always wave to him as he’s looking. So when he got his own toy garbage truck as a reward for succeeding in potty training, he couldn’t wait for the opportunity to show the guys. He picked out a lime-green truck with two plastic garbagemen and a lever for the blue recycling bin. The Cincinnati 2-year-old has been fascinated by the garbage truck “since about the age he could walk,” the toddler’s father, Ollie Kroner, told The Huffington Post in an email.

So on Friday, March 13, little Quincy was eager to be able to show Mark and Eddie his truck, but when the long-awaited photo op came, Quincy just couldn’t hold it together! Look at that adorable face as he’s clutching his truck and overwhelmed with emotion — he’s like, come on, dude, be cool around the guys!

“He was all smiles as the garbage truck pulled up. I asked him if he wanted to take his [picture] with them, and he gave an eager yes,” said Ollie. “But I think his nerves set in when the loud truck was right there in front of us.”


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