Three Young Men Run From Gas Station To Assist Elderly Couple As Cop Stands In Awe Of Kindness

Three Young Men Run From Gas Station To Assist Elderly Couple As Cop Stands In Awe Of Kindness

It’s never easy getting old, nor is it easy realizing that your body simply doesn’t work as it once did.

Perhaps the hardest thing, however, is accepting your own limitations. It’s a funny thing, really – inside you’re every bit as young as you ever were, trapped, almost, in a body that refuses to obey instruction and will.

When Rose Griest, 89, and her husband David, 100, were on their way home from Rose’s doctor’s appointment, they made a stop at the first gas station they could find to use the bathroom. Both Rose and David use a walker, so getting from one place to another, as well as getting in and out of their car, can be challenging at their age.

As they made their way back to their SUV, Rose was feeling a bit exhausted from having already been to the doctor’s and then from walking around the gas station. She began to struggle with her walker, her legs became shaky, and they started to give out.

A police officer who was sitting in her truck nearby, Kanesha Carnegie, saw the elderly woman begin to fall and she immediately got out of her vehicle to go and help. Yet as she jumped out of her vehicle to assist , What then played out left Officer Kanesha transfixed. It was all she could do to pull out her cellphone and record as the three men – who turned out to be a trio of Orlando-based rappers – approached.

Joc Koe Stoe, Marty, and Freddy G had watched Rose and David struggling to their vehicle from inside the gas station, and they knew instantly that they had to intervene.

According to reports, Marty said: “I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother.’”

“I saw that old lady struggling and about to fall,” said 26-year-old Joc Stoe who helped the couple. “I asked permission to assist them, and the husband said yes. She was out of breath and so tired. She was so exhausted, I knew she wasn’t able to go much farther.”

“I kept thinking, ‘She could have been my grandmother,’” shared Marty, another of the young men.

Officer Carnegie saw that the young men had the situation under control, and her heart was moved by their kindness. She’s been a deputy in Levy County for 18 years and was familiar with the young men. She said that the young men are local rappers, and while they don’t have “the greatest history,” that she was deeply impressed with their kindness and willingness to help. She said that their history added to the beauty of what they did for the elderly couple.

Officer Carnegie shared the video online, and the couple’s grandson, Thomas Griest, saw it and sent her a message of appreciation for the young men.

“He was extremely grateful, extremely thankful. He said his grandfather retired from the Air Force. That explains why he’s 100 years old and still driving. You can’t stop somebody like that, ever,” shared Carnegie.

Thanks to the help of Marty, Joc and Freddy, Rose avoided a potentially dangerous fall, and her and David now know that when they need help, they can count on the kindness of the young men in their community.


Watch this video of these 3 kind young men helping Rose and David:,

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