‘These 3 Will Have a Special Bond

Calif. Triplets ‘Over the Moon’ to Be Pregnant at Same Time: ‘These 3 Will Have a Special Bond

A set of California triplets have always shared a tight bond, but now they’re taking their sisterhood one step further as they all experience pregnancy together.

These triplets from California in the US do everything together, including getting pregnant at the same time.

Gina Purcell, Nina Rawlings and Victoria Brown were born within four minutes of each other in 1986 — and 35 years later, these triplets will all be giving birth a few months apart.

“We’ve always talked about having babies together when we were younger but since I was the first to get married and have kids, our timelines were different and never thought it would actually happen,” Gina Purcell told The Post. “We never officially sat down and said let’s ‘plan’ this because of the different stages of life we were in even though we’re triplets.”

The 35-year-old sisters from Southern California are overjoyed to be sharing another memorable life milestone.

Brown is due to have her second child, a baby boy, on July 9. Rawlings is expecting to have her first child, also a boy, on Aug. 28. And Purcell will give birth to her third child, a baby girl, in November.

Looking ahead to the future, Purcell says she is excited to “go on trips and outings together.”

Above all, she most looks forward to watching them become “best friends” and developing a close-knit bond, just as the three sisters have done.

“It’s different to have cousins the same age versus years apart because these three will have a special bond like my sisters and I do,” Purcell says.

Added Rawlings-Tran to Fox News: “We shared everything before. But now that we have this — because being pregnant in itself is a blessing. So, being able to share this with your best friends is just surreal.”

Source:people.com, nypost.com, news24.com

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