Single dad adopts 5 siblings under the age of 6 so they can grow up together


Would that we could live in a world where all children experienced the right amount of love and tender care growing up.

Sadly, we don’t. There are millions of children across the globe who suffer during their early years, or at the very least grow without knowing what it is to be properly cared for.

Lamont Thomas, of Buffalo, New York, has dedicated the past 20 years of his life to helping the lives of children. Even by his lofty standards, though, what he did on October 17 will surely go down as an incredible act.

Lamont’s story begins back in 2000, when a gesture for a friend kick-started what has become something of a life mission.

Speaking to Good Morning America, he said: “In the beginning, I was helping out some friends. They had lost their child to the system. I went on and got certified and became a foster parent. I haven’t stopped since.”

And when he says he hasn’t, he means it. Lamont has fostered more than 30 children since 2000, as well as adopting several to go with the two biological kids he already had.

In 2007, Lamont adopted twins Germayne and Tremayne. Jamie came next, then a fourth named German. Lamont then went on to adopt Michael, the first child he ever fostered.

Michael explained: “He was my third foster home and it ended up being my forever home. He [knew] my biological parents.”

“Lamont never turned [a child] away. They either aged out or went back home to their own families.”

Given his exemplary record, Lamont would have been forgiven for thinking he’d done enough. Instead, he recently came out of retirement for a special case.

When Lamont heard tell of a new group of siblings who needed help, he decided to get re-certified as a foster parent. His intention was to adopt again.

Zendaya, 5, Jamel, 4, Nakia, 3, Major, 2 and Michaela, 1, were actually children of one of Michael’s former foster kids. Lamont told Good Morning America that all five had been taking into care, he believed as a result of neglect.

“They had them in four different homes, four different cities. They were separated for over a year-and-a-half,” he said.

It was no simple task, but Lamont managed to get all five siblings together and foster them for two years.

Then, just last week, the final piece of the puzzle fell into place.

“I was fighting to keep back the tears,” Lamont said of his adoption day. “Every day I think about it, my eyes swell up. All that we endured to make this happen, it was something.

“They bring new energy to me. They’re lovable kids, very affectionate. They deserve to be raised as siblings, and that was my fight.”

Lamont hopes his story will inspire more people to adopt or even foster themselves. All children deserve a loving home, and praise be to those willing to give them it.

Lamont, you’re a special man indeed! What a fantastic thing it is you’ve done and continue to do.

Let’s hear it for Lamont, who’s now given five siblings a loving home and the chance to grow up together!

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The post Single dad adopts 5 siblings under the age of 6 so they can grow up together appeared first on Newsner English.


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