Put this around your house, and the next day all the cockroaches will be gone!

Put this around your house, and the next day all the cockroaches will be gone!

Cockroaches disgust us, and its quite common that they sometimes carry on themselves some dangerous diseases.. think about where they live – inside a sewage and other dirty places.

It is interesting to know that most of the products used in getting rid of cockroaches are made of poisonous substance which can be dangerous to your health and the health of your children as well; it’s like to say, ‘removing dog at home to purchase monkey’ in the forest.

So, in this post, I will be teaching you how to make a natural product that can get rid of cockroaches in your houses using onions and baking soda only; the mixture is completely harmless to you and your children even when it’s injected into the mouth…

The mixture is extremely efficient and will k.i.l.l. all the cockroaches instantly.

So this is what you need:

  • One onion
  • One teaspoon of baking soda powder

Cut the onion to very small pieces, and add the baking soda powder to it, mix well, and then pour this mixture in the corners of your house, under the sink, in the closets and wherever you think there are cockroaches.

After a day you will find that in the places where you’ve put the mixture there are dead cockroaches. If you didn’t get rid of them all, repeat the process each day, until all of them are gone and your house has cleaned of them.

otondo.com.ng, veer.li

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