Ladies! Grown men love these types of women and can’t resist them

Grown men realize that in order for a woman to give her best, he must give her his best. He loves her right and in response, she loves him right. If you expect the best from your partner, be the best to your partner.

These are types of women men love

1. A woman who can correct him with love.

One who will tell him “Honey, I don’t think that is right”. If the man is not grown, he will not like her correction. Grown know they have room for improvement and like it when the woman is looking out for him.

2. A woman who is conversational

One who says more than one word answers, not one who is always waiting for the man to begin and carry the conversation. He wants a friend in the woman he loves to laugh with and be free with.

3. A woman who can contribute

Not one who waits for things to be always done for her.

They are partners in the relationship/marriage and should gain fulfillment by both bringing their value to the table.

4. A woman who speaks with the right warm tone

Not one who speaks to him in a condescending, rude and disrespectful manner… Not one who attacks him in private and in public. The tone of a woman’s voice is key. Some even keep off kissing their wives becomes her lips are too harsh.

5. A woman who is not living for the attention of other men

A woman who is not spending more time chatting with other men than with him, a woman who is not scandalous and revealing to men just to get glances. A grown man wants a woman who has settled on him, one who is emotionally faithful to him; not one who is acting like she is still available yet married to him or in a relationship with him.

6. A woman who keeps secrets

One who will cover his weaknesses and shame, work on him in private as he praises him in public, one who doesn’t gossip about him with others.

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