The name of a person is a significant part of their personality. And deciding to change is very difficult. Sometimes parents name their kids and later regret the name, but kids may feel differently.
Fast-Emphasis-145, a Reddit member, told his experience of how his parents asked him to change his name but he refused. He is a boy of sixteen years old. His parents named him Sunny. He was the only child in the family who wasn’t given a traditional family name. All his siblings are named after the family members. His parents named him Sunny just because they liked the name. Fast-Emphasis-145 didn’t mind, he wanted his name instead.
But when he was around ten years old, his parents started to feel bad about the name they had given him and started calling him by his middle name. Sunny told them it felt strange, and he preferred to call his first name. Then his parents asked him if he wanted a nickname, and OP said no.
Over the years, his parent’s regret grew stronger. They started talking about changing his name. Last year they said some kids change their name before they finish school. It helped them save money later on their school documents.
They told him six months ago that he resembled James, better known as Jamie. OP said like liked the name James but preferred his name Sunny. When the parents asked if he liked the name Luke, OP replied that he didn’t.
In June his parents said he should change his name. They also suggest some name options. They argue that Sunny is too feminine a name for a man. But OP said he liked his name, and he didn’t want to change it, just because his parents regretted it. He said his feelings about the name are more important now.
Scroll down to read the story!
Source: Fast-Emphasis-145
1. Let’s find out
2. OP is the youngest child in his family. His parents chose the name Sunny because they loved it. His other siblings are named after the family members.
3. His parents began to feel bad about the name they had given him when he was about ten years old, and they began calling him by his middle name. OP said to his parents he likes his first name.
4. Last year his parents said some kids changed their name before finishing school. It helped them save money on their documents.
5. OP’s parents told him he looked like James nickname Jamie. Then they asked him if he liked the name Luke. He said no.
6. In June OP’s parents said his name does not seem serious, and he should change his name. But OP said he didn’t want to change his name.
7. Last week his parents brought legal papers to change his name. They gave him a few name options. OP said his feelings about the name are more important than their regret.
Let’s check out what the AITA community said about this story:
By Anxious-Nobody-4966:
8. OP is not wrong. His parents cared more about their feelings than his. However, if the OP likes his name, he should keep it.
By Local_Initiative8523:
9. Sunny is a cool name. It is used as a nickname by the famous people.
By Financial_Bear_5071:
10. OP’s parents had the chance to name him, and they did. Now it should be his decision whether he wants to change it or not.