Homeless Owner Leaves Their Beloved Dog At Shelter With A Heartbreaking Note


On January 2nd, 2019, a staff member at the Delaware Humane Association found an abandoned dog wandering around outside their shelter.

The shelter worker discovered Sky when she took another dog outside to play.

The pup started barking in alarm, and when the shelter worker went to see what he was barking at, she found Sky roaming around.

The pup was very skinny, and she had a heartbreaking note attached to her oversized, spiked harness.

“Please take care of Sky,” the note said. “She is 6 years old and friendly. I couldn’t take care of her.

I became homeless and couldn’t feed her. She is not sick, just hungry, very friendly. Please find her a home. Please.”

The shelter worker quickly took Sky inside and gave the skinny dog some food. A vet checked her out, and he estimated she was about 5-6 years old.

“It appears just to be that she wasn’t being fed the proper amount,” Kerry Flanagan Bruni, the director of animal care at the Delaware Humane Association, told Delaware Online.

Other than being underweight and having some fleas, Sky seemed to be in good health. She was also a very social dog—she loves being around people.

“She’s doing great,” Flanagan Bruni said. “She’s very sweet, very friendly. Sky is also dog-friendly.”

Sky will stay at the shelter for at least five days while she recovers and gains weight.

The shelter will also spay the pup. Then, once Sky is ready, the shelter will look through their applications and find the right forever home for the sweet dog.

The shelter has already received lots of applications—everyone was touched by Sky’s story!

On their Facebook page, the Delaware Humane Association said that many people had asked the shelter if they would reunite Sky and her owner if her owner contacted them.

“We would be willing to work with them to reunite them, but it would really depend on the situation and the owner’s circumstances,” the shelter wrote on Facebook.

“Sometimes, the best option is to surrender a pet if you are unable to care for them, which includes shelter.”

Sky is doing well at the shelter. She has already gained weight, and she has bonded with the workers. She loves playing with toys, and she’s also a big fan of cuddling.

It’s clear that Sky’s former owner loved her deeply, and we can’t imagine how hard it was for them to give her up.

We’re so glad that Sky is doing so well now, and we hope that she finds the right forever home soon!

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h/t: I Heart Dogs & https://animalchannel.co


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