First-time mother gives birth to 13lbs baby girl

First-time mother gives birth to 13lbs baby girl – the second biggest in the UK – after her bump was so big doctors thought she was having twins and her skin stretched so much it bled

First time mum Amber Cumberland, 21, from Aston, Oxfordshire, gave birth to her daughter Emilia on April 16, weighing a whopping 12lb 14oz.

Amber was induced almost two weeks overdue and spent 24 hours in labour until baby Emilia entered the world via an emergency C-section.

During her pregnancy, Amber’s bump was so big that doctors thought she might have twins on the way. However, when they found out it was only one baby, they were beyond baffled. With her extraordinary weight, little Emilia is believed to be the second biggest baby girl born in the UK. The record-breaker is a girl born in 2012, weighing 14lbs 4oz(6.5kg).

Speaking about how her body changed during her unusual pregnancy, Amber shares:

‘Before the pregnancy I was 12.5st and a size 14 and at the end of the pregnancy, I couldn’t fit into anything smaller than a size 20 and was about 17st,’ said Amber, who is 5’9. ‘Since the birth I’m back in size 16 and weighing just under 15st.’

Although the parents were shocked to find out their newborn was with the weight of a six-month-old baby, they were overjoyed that she was healthy.

When asked about her 24-hour labor experience, the young mom said:

“I got to eight centimeters dilated and she couldn’t go any further – if she went any further down they wouldn’t be able to get her back up and she would’ve got stuck. During the C-section, it took two people to lift her out and one to hold everything back to get her out.

The whole outfit we brought didn’t fit her but luckily we had some spare 0-3 month clothes packed and the hospital staff had to hunt down bigger nappies from pediatrics for us. Nurses at the hospital even stayed overtime to see the weight of the baby and take photos with her because she was so big.”

Just over a week after giving birth Amber is starting to heal but expects to take a while to fully recover due to the damage done to her body by the difficult pregnancy and birth.

She is currently on a waiting list for physiotherapy to help heal her badly split stomach muscles.

Amber said: ‘I’ve still got a completely numb bit of skin around my belly button where the nerves have just given up.

‘Because of the damage to my stomach muscles the stitches have no support and I have to be really careful.

‘I can’t pick Emilia up or breastfeed her because she’s so heavy and there’s no protection for my organs, but I’m slowly getting better.

‘We’re both so overjoyed with our gorgeous little girl.’,

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