Find Odd Symbols Hidden Among Lots Of Numbers “6”

Try to find the odd ones out

Look at this picture. What do you see?

From a first glance, it seems there are only numbers 6 on the image, but there are some letters hidden in there.

Can you find them?

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How many odd letters can you find?

Have you managed to spot the odd symbols?

If not, then stop scratching your head and just take a peek at the answer:


This math puzzle making rounds on the internet has been shared by a Facebook user named Antley Lamont Staten. The problem has been shared more than 382 thousand times.

While some people don’t even take a second to answer this puzzle, others may stare at it for five to ten minutes before they figure it out.

Scroll down for the answer.







If you have been puzzling over the numbers all along, you need to shift your gaze to the left and find the “MITSAKE”.


The post Find Odd Symbols Hidden Among Lots Of Numbers “6” appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.

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