Drunk Turkish man spends hours helping search party hunting for missing person without realizing it’s HIM

Drunk Turkish man spends hours helping search party hunting for missing person without realizing it’s HIM

A drunk Turkish man spent hours helping look for a missing person with a search and rescue party before realising they were looking for him.

According to local media reports, Beyhan Mutlu, a 50-year-old man from a rural region in Turkey, was out drinking with his friends when he wandered off into a nearby forest and didn’t return.

His wife was unable to reach him on his cellphone, and officials were advised that his friends lost him after he wandered into a forest, the Turkish news outlet Daily Sabah said.

Worried about him, his friends then alerted authorities, who set up a search and rescue mission to find him. .

A search party was sent for, and Mutlu joined the volunteers in looking through the woods, according to The Times.

While roaming the woods, Mutlu came across a group of rescue workers and volunteers involved in a search mission, unaware they were looking for him.

During the hourslong search, in the dark of night, a potential rescuer shouted Mutlu’s name. It was then that he realized the search party was looking for him. “Who are we looking for? I am here,” he reportedly said.

The man was then taken aside by one of the rescue workers to give a statement in which he was reportedly worried about getting into trouble with his family.

“Don’t punish me too harshly, officer. My father will kill me,” he told the rescue workers, reported local media.

Once they learned the man had joined his own search party, the rescue workers safely escort Mutlu home but it’s unclear if he was reprimanded for his actions.

It’s also unclear how his friends didn’t realize that he was right under their noses the whole time.

Source:dailymail.co.uk, vice.com, insider.com, scoop.upworthy.com, thesun.co.uk

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