Desperate Mom Is Asking Parents Everywhere To Check Their Baby’s Toes

A mother of Rochester Hills, Michigan has shared a distressed w.a.r.n.i.n.g with other parents after her baby almost lost two toes because of a strand of hair that got tied around his foot.

Heather Fricke, 34, took to Facebook recently to explain that her 10-week-old son Jacob had just woken up from a two-hour nap when she and her husband, Tommy, noticed something wrong with his foot. She wrote:

‘He woke up, I fed and changed both his diaper and clothes for a party we were going to,

‘I handed him to his dad Tommy to put socks on him when Tommy realized his two toes were blue and tied together with a strand of hair!!!’

Source: Facebook

According to the 34-year-old mother, she immediately removed as much hair as she could from her son’s foot before she took Jacob to the ER, where multiple doctors worked to remove the rest of the hair. Heather said it was hers, from the baby’s toes.

‘Doctors said if I didn’t take off the hair that I was able to get off that his two toes they would’ve had to be amputated,’ she wrote.

Jacob is now doing ‘just well’ although Heather says that her son is still in a bit of pain, ‘and his poor toes look like they hurt so bad’, the mother added.

She urged other parents to watch out for possible strands of hair tied around their babies’ bodies.


‘And if you have a baby boy even his ᴘᴇɴɪs. Yes I said ᴘᴇɴɪs… They are such tiny [babies] and our hair can be such a hazard but it’s something that we never really pay attention to.’

Source: Facebook

Heather also shared a photo of her son’s foot, which she said was taken 12 hours after the hair was removed.

A mark can still be seen where the strand of hair wrapped around Jacob’s toes, tracing a deep line into the baby’s skin.

Heather’s message has received thousand reactionsas well as comments on Facebook, with many people wishing Jacob well and sharing similar stories that happened either to their children or other people’s little ones.

Source: Daily Mail

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