Dear Women, Men Find This Part Of Your Body Most Attractive

Dear Women, Men Find This Part Of Your Body Most Attractive

What men find most attractive in women

A survey and poll of men shows that they are most attracted to a woman’s face with 46% of votes after this was вσσту with 18% of votes, hair with 11%, legs with 9%, and bust with 8%.

1. Her Smile on her Face

No one can resist a smile from a beautiful woman. When women smile, it shows that they are happy and that they like us men. Even though some men may act tough and come across as masculine, most of us still want to be loved.

2. вσσту

It’s biologically wired in men to want a girl with a big ɓµƭƭ, mainly because it’s a sign of good health.

3. вrєαsts

In fact, most men prefer medium-sized вrєαsts to slightly smaller вrєαsts. As long as they are perky and pretty, they are ready to go.

4. Hair

Having a certain flattering hairstyle is definitely something that will appeal to men.

5. Legs

A good pair of legs, specifically toned legs, will have many men turning their heads. Most men subconsciously see strong legs as a sign that you are in good health and that in turn gets them interested.

6. Eyes

Eye contact is important and the phrase: “Love at first sight” is only possible when both your eyes meet each other for the first time. Moreover, it applies to both sexes, there is just something about the color blue that makes eyes more beautiful.

7. Lips

Men like to look at women’s lips, especially if they look thick and young.

8. Pale skin

Clear skin is something men love – doubly so if it’s smooth. Just having an overall healthy look to your skin is really attractive to almost everyone out there.

9. Well-groomed nails, hands, and feet

If you think men don’t notice manicures and pedicures, you’re wrong.

10. Your figure

An hourglass figure has long been known to attract men, especially if you’re on the slimmer side of things. Fortunately, there are ways to lose weight or even camouflage the appearance of your body – if it’s really that important to you, that is

11. Men also love women who have sharp, well-built collarbones.

Just as women love the veins on men’s arms, along with big shoulders with a prominent Adam’s apple. Finally, of course, your qualities and the way you treat others are also very important.


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