Can You Solve This Puzzle? Think Outside The Box!


Train Your Eyes

Puzzles of all kinds are fun for the challenge – not to mention good for the brain. Typically you see puzzles where you have to find hidden objects from within a picture or word games that knot your brain up trying to figure them out. But this puzzle is one of a different kind. It seems simple at first – just find the number: 425.

But the trick to this puzzle is you have to think differently. You already know the saying: “think outside the box.” See, the numbers aren’t in a straight line as your brain is accustomed to reading them. Not to mention, there are several of the same numbers, so you have to look extra hard. Have you figured it out yet? Here’s a hint, look diagonally, then perhaps it will be easy to spot.

Scroll down for the answer.













How Many 7s Are There In The Picture?

If you are proud on your precious eyes, take this test.

All you need to do is count and tell how many 7 do you see?

Carefully look at the image and then give your answer.

Scroll down for the answer.








You have tried already now see the answer and match the sharpness of your brain. The answer will be 7. There are seven ”7” in this puzzle picture. For being clear of your answer you keep your eyes on the picture.





The post Can You Solve This Puzzle? Think Outside The Box! appeared first on Wake Up Your Mind.


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