Can You Correctly Find Out Which Line Is The Longest Amongst The Rest?


This mind-teasing riddle is causing a major stir with online viewers and once you make an attempt to solve it, you’ll immediately understand why.

The Picture Puzzle
It couldn’t get any simpler in terms of context here. The authors are asking one simple question. Amongst the four different lines present on this checkered board, which one is the longest! WAIT: be sure to take your time because we really want you to do well!

Source: Genius Puzzles
Before we reveal the final answer, here’s a little hint for those struggling! Be sure to note the starting point because that really makes an impact on the outcome! Happy hunting!

And the right answer is…






The correct answer to his viral puzzle is Line C!

Did you manage to score correctly? Don’t forget to let us know how you did in the comments section!


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