Bride can’t stop laughing when groom springs dance with 80 people on her


As much as we think we know our significant others, it doesn’t mean they don’t like keeping us on our toes!

In a video that’s gone viral, a man named Michael wants to give his future bride Jessica a surprise that’d make it be “the best day of her life.”

So, he secretly prepared the ultimate wedding flashmob to be done with family members and friends. But shhh…don’t tell Jess.

Sometimes couples make agreements with each other to skip the exchanging of gifts on a special occasion. Yet, there’s usually at least one of the two that can’t resist the urge.

Michael and Jessica also decided that for their wedding day, neither of them would do cards or presents. In this case, both of them broke their promises.

Jess had a greeting card for her future husband with a beautiful message inside. As for Michael, well, his surprise was a little bigger than that.

Blue Kite Cinema was there on the couple’s special day to help film all the events, including the groom’s gift to his bride.

It all was set to take place after their first dance during the reception.

Everyone watches as Michael and Jess have a romantic slow dance in celebration of their marriage.

Then, once it’s over, the song “Best Day of My Life” comes on – and you know it’s time to party!

But just as the bride is starting to cut a rug on the dance floor, that’s when Michael guides her to a chair.

It’s obvious she’s clueless and asks, “What’s happening?” Oh, you just wait…

All of a sudden, wedding guests turn into Michael’s back-up dancers and they start performing a choreographed routine.

Jess can’t hold back her shock and excitement as the men swivel their hips and dance in unison. Honestly, they’re all pretty good.

Now it’s the ladies’ turn. Come on girls, it’s time to show these guys how to really dance!

The men fall back into the crowd and a group of female guests steps forward.

Together they show off their perfectly-planned moves to the American Authors song.

Soon everyone in the room is dancing along to “Best Day of My Life” – creating an epic scene that none of them will ever forget.

Even if you had offered the bride a million bucks, there’s no way she could’ve wiped the smile off her face.

Not only is their dance cute and funny – it goes to show how much Michael (and everyone else) adores her.

Surprise wedding performances are a common trend nowadays. In fact, there are a lot of amazing ones floating around the internet.

This is one that deserves some kind of a prize though.

You can actually feel all the love and positive energy through the screen. Personally, I got goosebumps.

Near the end of the video, Michael reads Jess’ card aloud. It says:

“Today, I am marrying my best friend and I am the luckiest girl in the world.

You are my constant, my rock, my protector, my comedian, my shoulder to cry on and sleep on – the absolute love of my life.

Everything is better with you by my side and it has been since the moment we met. I’ve never been so sure of anything before.

Thank you for choosing me to be your life partner. I love you with every last bit of my heart…”

Just as you thought Michael deserved the award for the best gift – you gotta admit, that was pretty sweet too.

Enjoy the dancing wedding flashmob for yourself below!

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