An Elderly Italian Man Living Alone. –


An elderly Italian man living alone wanted to plant his small annual tomato plot but the ground was too hard and he couldn’t use a shovel any more.

His only son who used to help him was in prison and he wrote to him describing his predicament.

“Dear Vincent. I’m so sad I am unable to dig up our garden this year. I’m just too old and weak now. I know if you were here my troubles would be over. Love Papa”

He got a letter back a few days later saying

“Dear Papa. Don’t dig up the garden, that’s where I buried the body. Love Vinnie.”

At 4 am in the morning a team of police and forensic specialists with digging machines arrived at Vincent’s door, entered his home, went out back and dug up his entire yard.

They didn’t find any bodies.

A few days later he got a letter from his son in jail.

“Dear Papa. Go ahead and plant your tomatoes. This was the best I could manage under the circumstances. Love Vinnie.”

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