Age 5 girl sings “You Are My Sunshine” to dying great-grandma the first time they meet


When elderly people reach the final stages of their lives, companionship is a very important part of their care. However, it sometimes can be difficult to make it to a hospital or nursing home to visit a loved one. Such visits force us to confront the reality of death, and it’s quite common for us to feel uncomfortable to see someone we love in pain.


Until recently, 5-year-old little Sophie never had the pleasure of meeting her great-grandmother. “Great Nana,” as the family calls her, suffers from dementia, and her doctors don’t think she has much longer to live. She’s confined to her bed and has lost the ability to speak or do much of anything for herself.


Sophie was a bit nervous at first when it was time to meet this dying woman, but as soon as she got there, things changed. She immediately snuggled in her great-grandmother’s hospital bed and began to sweetly sing “You Are My Sunshine,” a song which has special importance to Sophie and her family, as she gently brushed her Great Nana’s face.


Here’s the video of their first meeting.



Sophie’s Great Nana was clearly enjoying her great granddaughter’s sweet voice, despite not being able to form the words to express it. These two ladies are separated by so many decades — generations, in fact. And they are almost complete strangers to each other, but yet they formed an instant connection, a beautiful bond.


And as if the last video wasn’t enough proof of how a moment like this can touch our souls, here’s another video as well. The manner in which Great Nana cranes her neck toward Sophie and makes soft noises and movements just says everything there is to say about this precious moment.

Posted by Yvonne Brock Miller on Wednesday, August 23, 2017

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