A Man Woke Up, His Dog Is Laying On The Back. –



A man woke up, His dog is laying on the back patio covered in dirt with a rabbit in his mouth.

The rabbit’s not bl0ody, just dirty.

His neighbor’s kids raise “blue-ribbon” rabbits.

The man instantly knew it was one of theirs.

So he took the rabbit away from my dog, rushed inside, and washed all the dirt off it before his neighbors could come home.

It was stiff but he heard some animals play dead when they are afraid but he couldn’t remember which ones.

He took it and placed it back in one of the cages in their back yard then he ZOOMED back home.

Not 30 minutes later he hears my neighbors screaming so he goes out and asks them what’s wrong?

They tell him their rabbit died three days ago and they buried it but now it’s back in the cage.




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