9 Different Types of Hugs And What Each Reveals About Your Relationship

9 Different Types of Hugs And What Each Reveals About Your Relationship

Not every man can easily express his feelings verbally. Luckily, body language can help.

Do you want to know what hugs could tell you about your relationship? Bright Side has found out. Read on.

1. The hug from behind- Protector

A strong embrace from behind says that the hugger is ready to protect you from all hardships and is not afraid of responsibility. He is a true knight, and next to him you will definitely feel safe.
If your guy hugs you like this often, you got a keeper!

2. The hug at the waist

This kind of hug is an intimate gesture and it shows that your partner is pretty inclined towards you and wants to spend as much time as possible with you.
He trusts you and wants you to be in his intimate space and he is happy to see you.

3. The hug with a pat on the back

This hug is more common for friendships than for romantic relationships. If you are just friends now, then romance is unlikely: your friend will support you and hear you out, though. It is more like a friendly hug and can be shared between anyone, parents and kids or friends or acquaintances. It doesn’t have a romantic connotation to it.

4. The hug while looking into the eyes

If he hugs you incredibly gently and delicately and then looks straight into your eyes, then you can be sure: this is a symbol of a true and deep connection between you two. He values ​​you very much, and everything that is happening is really important to him. It is all sparks and fire in the relationship if you have this kind of chemistry and love. Such relationships have a future and, perhaps, a very happy one.

5. The “London Bridge” hug

There is a literal distance between you, and the embrace itself seems rushed and merely polite. It could be that you don’t really care for each other and are just trying to save face. But why? If the person is unpleasant to you, a wave, a handshake, or a nod are okay. There are exceptions, though: if you go to a family dinner and meet your grumpy uncle, this hug may come in handy. But that’s another story.

6. The long hug

This kind of hug last and lasts. It is the most beautiful form of silent communication between two people who want to express their love and support.

When two people really are that comfortable with each other that they can sit in silence and hug each other for hours, it is a silent expression of how deeply they love each other and how they will stand with each other through thick and thin.

This hugger is ready to be with you in joy and in sorrow, which is very, very important.

7. The one-handed hug

When he hugs you by pulling you closer with one arm, it is an indication that he wants to take you along on his journey. He will be ready to protect you and will extend and support when needed.

8. The naughty hug

This guy has a stormy temper, and he can’t wait to move your relationship to a new stage. And thus he seeks to quickly demonstrate that his woman belongs to him and only him. If your relationship has just begun, and he is already not watching his hands, this hardly speaks of deep feelings. He could just be a player. But if you have been together for a long time, then there is nothing wrong with such flirting. Quite the contrary, the fire is still burning, and his love is still aflame.

9. The strong hug

If a man hugs you firmly, lightly stroking your back, then you are lucky: he treats you very well and cherishes you. Such men are very sincere and romantic, and they dream of a strong and happy family. Incidentally, they also make excellent husbands — so take a closer look at him.


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