4 natural remedies to get rid of dark finger joints

4 natural remedies to get rid of dark finger joints

Skin discoloration, especially darker finger joints or darker fingers, is a common cosmetic problem that affects many people, especially women.

There are several reasons that can lead to skin pigmentation, and the most common ones also include excessive sun exposure or not protecting your hands when washing dishes or cleaning the house.

Here we recommend the top four hand beauty treatments that are also extremely effective in eliminating dark skin on the knuckles.

1. Sugar and olive oil to eliminate dark skin on the knuckles

Olive oil strengthens the nails as well as removes darkness caused by sun exposure and also excess melanin in the skin. Sugar, on the other hand, will exfoliate and also lighten the skin on the dark knuckles.

  • Take 3 teaspoons full of olive oil and include 2 teaspoons full of sugar.
  • Mix them well and also use it to rub the dark finger joints.
    Keep it for another 5 minutes after the scrub to moisten your hands and then wipe it off with water.
  • Apply a light moisturizer afterwards.

2. Scrub with lemon and sugar for dark finger joints

This method can effectively lighten your dark skin as well as make your joints smoother. You will need only 3 ingredients to make an effective exfoliating scrub.

  • Put 2 teaspoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of. Sugar in a glass.
  • Mix them well and then apply the mixture to your hands by gently rubbing the joints of your dark fingers.
  • You can also massage your hands for extra softness.
  • Leave the mixture on your hands for about 15 minutes to let the skin absorb the juice. The vitamin C content of the lemon juice and the glycolic acid of the sugar will effectively lighten your knuckles.

3. Hydration with potent oil for dark knuckles

You can get many benefits by using this remedy – lighten your dark knuckles and make your hands smoother and softer. In addition, it deeply conditions and eliminates any discoloration on your nails. It can also treat dry follicle problems.

  • Mix ½ jojoba oil, ½ tsp. almond oil, ½ tsp. rosemary oil and also 2-3 drops of lemon juice.
  • Use this powerful oil to massage the joints of your fingers, hands, palms and wrists.
  • The best time to use this oil is before going to bed. It will work overnight and moisturize your hands, nourish your nails, and soften your skin.

4. Milk cream and turmeric remedy to lighten dark finger joints.

  • Mix one teaspoonful of milk cream and half a teaspoonful of turmeric powder with 2-3 drops of almond oil.
  • Mix well and then apply to your knuckles.
  • Leave on for 20 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • For best results, do the treatment 3 times a week.


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